What are the biggest challenges in the city and how will you address them if elected?
At Large
Peter Bailey
The biggest challenge … is managing growth. If elected I will focus on this in the following ways: Working with relevant authorities to conserve water use. … Using what I learned from membership on the Parks and Recreation and Open Spaces board and currently the Historic Preservation board, [I would work] to maintain key aspects of McKinney’s “Unique by Nature” slogan. ... Keep up with the master plan for development, particularly focusing on citizens who live east of Hwy 5.
Bill Campbell
McKinney is a great place to live; we all know that. With the recognition by Money Magazine we have nationwide attention that has fueled growth and interest in our community. Our challenge is going to be to keep McKinney great for the next generation of people who want to move here. We need to develop in an economically sustainable way so that we don’t have our 15 minutes of fame and then fade into history.
Jeremiah Hammer
We don’t presently have any way of measuring the success of our economic development initiatives. For example, we have no way of knowing if the jobs promised by corporations receiving incentives to move to McKinney ever actually materialize. As councilman I plan to address this by requiring a Community Based Agreement accompany each economic development deal.
Tracy Rath
My focus is on recruiting the best city manager, updating our city’s comprehensive land use and water plans [and] passing a bond election that will provide essential infrastructure with no tax increase. ... Put the best people in place; listen; seek input; research; provide clear expectations; build partnerships; and communicate, communicate, communicate. And, finally, do what I’m best at—the work necessary to accomplish the goal.
Rodrick Robinson
... If elected I will work diligently to provide the city with a strong economy, a transparent city government and ensure preservation of our vibrant historic districts. I will continue to build relationships with both small-business owners and large corporations so they see value in moving operations to McKinney, further enhancing our ability to employ local citizens and generate revenue for the city.
District 2
Matt Hilton
… I have listened to my friends and fellow citizens express their opinions that infrastructure—water and transportation—and McKinney’s future growth are challenges we face. When elected I will continue to work with our county commissioners and state legislators regarding our infrastructure needs. By cutting wasteful spending, exercising fiscal discipline and maximizing economic development, we can fund the city’s growing pains without raising taxes on hardworking McKinney citizens.
Rainey ‘Steven’ Rogers
McKinney’s biggest challenge is managing the growth of the city. …The growth that we will sustain in the coming years will include additional police and firemen, utilities, streets and business. Making sure the city has enough water for a growing city is a concern to every citizen. The way we meet the challenges of growth is making sure we have the best leadership in place within the City Council as the biggest challenge for the City Council is to hire the right city manager.
District 4
Angie Bado
The biggest challenge will be managing the rapid population growth, which will put a strain on the city’s infrastructure, while striving to maintain the excellent quality of life in McKinney. [I would] establish a long-range vision for the city, followed by a strategics plan and specific tactics to meet that vision. Intentional planning will allow the city to address transportation, water shortage, public service needs, and to identify specific businesses to increase our commercial tax base.
Chuck Branch
I will work with the city, City Council and EDC to create a plan to determine the best industries that will provide the highest ad valorem taxes, high-paying jobs and high sales tax revenues. Then we will create a plan to aggressively pursue businesses in those industries. Lastly, we work on a plan to reduce our city’s property taxes incrementally.
Robert Thomas Demarco
McKinney’s growth rate, if maintained, will stress the city’s infrastructure, city services, and its character. I want to preserve the city’s small-town appeal, while simultaneously maintaining a level of excellence in city services. Additionally, McKinney is becoming a bedroom community. Historically one out of two McKinney residents were employed within the city. That ratio is shifting to one out of every four. I want to bring businesses back.
Ty Lake
There are many sustainability challenges facing our fast-growing city. Near the top are our commercial versus residential tax base imbalance as well as our growing water supply issue. To address these and many other key issues, we must provide strong support of our city manager and staff along with a meaningful teamwork approach. We succeed, or fail, together as a team.
Pable Esteban Ruiz
The city manager position must be carefully considered with an open process. We need to hire highly qualified leaders who can work collaboratively and with integrity to best serve our community. McKinney needs to attract new businesses that will create jobs, increase revenue and ease the tax burden on homeowners.
Fred Spainhouer
We need to better position the city for its expected growth, expand the commercial business sector and ensure our quality-of-life standards remain the best ... I have the business acumen, leadership skills and experience necessary to lead us forward into the future. … I will push for expanding our commercial tax base, relieving homeowners of their tax burdens, and helping us to build the infrastructure and city services necessary to welcome anyone and everyone into our community.
Dave Weaver
The biggest challenges that I see for the city of McKinney are to ensure the growth of the city is sustained by continuing the planning necessary to accommodate the new housing developments and the new businesses that are finding McKinney as their new choice for residency. The second challenge I see for McKinney is to ensure all areas of the city are moved forward with the changes that are occurring within the city while no one is alienated in the process.