McKinney National Airport will see a 500-foot extension of the runway following contract approvals by McKinney City Council members at a Sept. 17 meeting.

Three resolutions for contracts totalling over $24 million were approved at the meeting, with the contracted work to include construction and construction administration.

The details

The runway will be expanded by 500 feet to the north, which was selected to accommodate the alignment of the Spur 399 extension that will run to the south and east of the airport, Airport Director Ken Carley said at the meeting.

The runway is currently 7,502 feet long and 150 feet wide, the city’s website states. The extension is the second phase of runway extensions at the airport. The first phase added 500 feet to the southern end of the runway and was completed in 2023. The existing runway began being used in 2011 at 7,002 feet long, according to city documents.

The project is being funded through an advanced funding agreement with TxDOT, which is using surplus funds from a fund associated with SH 121, Carley said, noting that the project is not being funded with money from McKinney taxpayers.

“We did an advanced funding agreement with TxDOT to supply funding for the project ... Garver designed the project and we bid the project in June,” Carley said.

Diving deeper

According to city documents, the resolutions approved include:
  • A nearly $21.6 million contract with RPMx Construction for the construction work on the project. The resolution includes a maximum price of $24 million for the contract pending any change orders. RPMx Construction was one of three companies to submit a bid for the project, and the company submitted the lowest bid.
  • A $1.94 million contract with Garver, an engineering and planning firm, for construction administration, materials testing, surveying and other services. The firm was selected to serve as the airport’s engineer of record in July.
  • A roughly $750,000 agreement with the Federal Aviation Administration for work including preliminary design and engineering review, site visits, and construction and installation activities that affect FAA-owned systems and infrastructure at the airport, including the instrument landing systems and the approach lighting systems, Carley said.
Carley said about $3.7 million remains in the project budget following these resolutions.

The context

McKinney National Airport is a general aviation airport located in East McKinney.

A number of infrastructure projects are underway at the airport in addition to the runway extension, including a rehabilitation of Taxiway A, new corporate hangars, a U.S. Customs building and more.

Cirrus Aircraft broke ground on a 45,000-square-foot facility at the airport in April 2023. The facility will be used for aircraft sales, flight training, factory service and more. The airport also saw the completion of its new fixed base operator facility in late 2023.

A $5.4 million investment is also planned for the airport, using grant funding awarded by the McKinney Community Development Corp. and McKinney Economic Development Corp. The funds will be used to install infrastructure on the east side of the airport.

The infrastructure improvements planned for the site will enable the development of both commercial and general aviation uses, as much of the planned infrastructure for either use is the same, Assistant City Manager Barry Shelton said. Improvements planned include taxiways and ramp spaces.

For more information about McKinney National Airport, visit