McKinney ISD leaders have approved another round of material and service purchases ahead of campus refreshes at Finch Elementary School and Evans Middle School. The district’s board of trustees approved the additional purchases at an April 22 meeting.

Here’s what to know about the projects, according to district documents.

Finch Elementary School

The 2021 bond program set aside $8 million in funds for the campus’s refresh. Finch Elementary opened in 1938 and last underwent renovations in 2003, per the agenda. Materials will be purchased before the end of the school year, and work will begin the last day of school.

The cost approved April 22 was $193,822 and includes:
  • Blinds
  • Gym wall pads
  • Playground upgrades
  • Room signage
  • Service contract for heating, ventilation and air conditioning, lighting, and control wiring
The subtotal to date on the campus refresh is $3.96 million. Additional items to be finalized for the refresh include roof revisions to the gym courtyard and upgrades to the school’s front entry porch.

Evans Middle School

The school opened in 2004 and had $21 million in bond funds earmarked for a refresh. Materials for the first phase of the refresh will be ordered and delivered before the end of the school year, and refresh work will start on the last day of the 2023-24 school year, according to the agenda.

The project cost approved April 22 was $113,400 and includes a services contract for HVAC, lighting controls, test and balance, and control wiring. The costs approved for Phase 1 of the project are $7.75 million as of April 22, per the meeting’s agenda.