Although the event center is expected to be substantially complete in January, events will not be held until late March, according to the presentation. 2. Amendment to student code of conduct The board of trustees approved additional language to the code of conduct related to removing someone from school property or an event. The district has always been able to remove someone if they pose a substantial risk of harm to anyone or behaves inappropriately for a school setting, but the new language requires a verbal warning to the student, participant or attendee. If the behavior continues, the district may "bar the person from entry, or order removal" and provide the person with written information explaining the appeal process at the time of removal, according to district documents.With no weather delays, running sewer will be available at the stadium April 1. The event center is expected to be complete Jan. 23, according to the presentation.
— Community Impact MCK (@impactnews_mck) October 25, 2017