Austin Kent Ellis Park reopened and is now listed on the PlayCore National Demonstration map.

According to a city news release, as part of the Texas Recreation Parks Society’s statewide healthy play and recreation initiative, the Lewisville park aligns with evidence-based best practices to promote physical activity and inclusive play for all abilities. Visitors are encouraged to scan QR codes at the park to participate in a research study.

More than 100 people attended the park’s grand reopening May 4, according to city officials. The park’s playground area closed in January for the new equipment to be delivered and installed.

The park has:
  • Swing bays
  • Slides
  • Climbing elements
  • Four upper/lower body fitness stations
  • Pavilion/covered picnic table area
  • Public restrooms
“National Demonstration Sites exemplify evidence-based best practices in design and implementation, support health-related initiatives, and provide meaningful ways for community stakeholders to gather data about the sites’ impact on the community, or turning research into practice as a designated site of excellence,” PlayCore Director of Education Jennie Sumrell said in the news release.