Learn more about the candidates for Place 1 on the Coppell ISD Board of Trustees.

What to know

The board of trustees is comprised of community members who are elected to serve three-year terms without pay. CISD board members are elected at-large for specific places on the board.

The last day to register to vote is April 3 and early voting will take place April 22-29. Election Day is May 3.

CISD uses Dallas County Elections voting locations found here.

Community Impact surveyed candidates prior to the election. Candidates were asked to keep responses under 50 words. Answers may have been edited to comply with word count guidelines or for style and clarity.

An asterisk denotes the incumbent. Candidates are listed in ballot order.

Leigh Walker*

Experience: CISD Trustee since 2016-present, TASB-designated Master Trustee, former teacher and PTO president, CISD Education Foundation and former president of Coppell Arts Center Foundation.

Occupation: civic leader, former teacher

Candidate Website: www.weare4leigh.com

Why are you running for office?

This is a critical time for public education when experience matters. We face declining enrollment alongside Austin-made budgetary pressures and unfunded mandates. As a district parent and former educator with 9 years’ service on the board, I am both qualified and committed to seeing Coppell ISD through these challenges.

What are the biggest challenges facing the district?

State funding for public schools remains frozen at 2019 levels. Declining enrollment poses additional and unique challenges. Experienced teachers across the state are leaving the profession. Our three biggest challenges are the budget, changing enrollment, and attracting, developing, and retaining the excellent educators that set this district apart.

If elected, what would be your top priorities?

My focus will continue to be on student outcomes and supporting our educators, who drive those outcomes. And because we are better tackling tough problems together, I will continue to encourage the board and the administration to proactively seek community input to help inform our decisions, whatever the issue.

What are some new ideas or programs you would like CISD to explore?

Some parents have shared concerns about technology in schools. I would like to explore a low-tech classroom (or cohort) option, especially for K-2. I also support leveraging our business relationships to expand job shadowing, internship, and CTE opportunities like FUZE, KCBY, and Health and Computer Sciences.

Why should I vote for you if I were in your district?

As we face new challenges—whether it’s funding, enrollment shifts, or evolving student needs—experience and steady leadership matter more than ever. I bring both, along with a longstanding and deep commitment to this district and this community.

Sheri Hill

Experience: Risk management expertise, experienced business leader, financial oversight experience and parent and community volunteer.

Occupation: Liability Litigation Claim Adjuster

Candidate Website: http://VoteForHill.com

Contact Information: 940-448-0010

Why are you running for office?

It is time for change on the board. We need a candidate with the courage to ask difficult questions. By promoting transparency and accountability, I will provide stakeholders with honest answers, fostering a culture of trust and collaboration within the CISD.

What are the biggest challenges facing the district?

CISD is facing a budget deficit and is considering raising taxes in November 2025. However, this approach neglects the critical issue of student enrollment. By addressing enrollment and 504 plans directly, the district could find more effective and sustainable solutions to its financial challenges for the long term.

If elected, what would be your top priorities?

I will work with CISD to analyze each school's breakeven point and create a marketing plan to encourage neighboring cities to enroll in our New Tech, DLI, and IB programs. I would also follow the state's changes to 504 plans and vouchers and help everyone understand the impact on CISD.

What are some new ideas or programs you would like CISD to explore?

I strongly support the DLI program and believe there is potential for increased enrollment at CISD. However, we must address the gap in the IB and New Tech programs by expanding offerings to ensure better accessibility for all students in these valuable educational opportunities.

Why should I vote for you if I were in your district?

Many families express their concerns, yet numerous questions remain unanswered. I am committed to asking the tough questions and encouraging CISD to respond clearly. Our voices are essential, and we deserve the answers we seek while ensuring the well-being of our teachers and staff.