Zooming in
The Strategic Planning Committee, which is composed of faculty, staff, parents and community representatives, is working on developing a plan called Coppell 2030. The committee will have its first retreat in October and will form what's known as action teams to help create action plans. District officials said they will keep the community continuously updated throughout the fall and winter season, and the plan will be formally shared in early 2024 in front of the board of trustees.
What's next
Below is the timeline of the strategic planning process listed by the district, and updates to this plan will be shared at monthly board meetings.
- Aug. 21: kick-off meeting and prework with superintendent’s cabinet
- Sept. 6: board workshop
- Oct. 19-20: strategic planning retreat
- November 2: follow-up meeting with superintendent’s cabinet
- Fall/winter: action teams work
- Feb. 1: final strategic planning retreat
- February or March: strategic plan presented to the board of trustees