The board did not vote on the calendar during the meeting. It will vote on an official 2023-24 academic calendar during its Dec. 12 board meeting.
There are four calendar options that a committee of students, parents and staff developed over the course of several meetings in October. Those options include Aug. 9 and Aug. 16 start dates, and varying break dates, LISD Chief of Staff Shawna Miller said.
The calendar must account for the mandatory 75,600 instructional minutes. Teacher work days do not count toward instructional minutes, but teacher professional learning does, Miller said.
Calendars A and B both start on Aug. 9, but they each vary when it comes to the end of the first nine weeks and winter break.
Based on feedback, the committee developed two calendars that also had a start date of Aug. 16. A majority of those who gave feedback wanted a Wednesday school start later in the month, Miller said.
Because of the later start date, calendars C and D have fewer teacher work days, she said.
District officials would like the community to rank the calendars to provide further feedback before bringing a recommendation to the board in December.