Graystone Construction, a locally based commercial roofing company, is expanding its footprint in Coppell with a new office building planned along Southwestern Boulevard.

What happened?

Coppell City Council members approved zoning for a new 1,800-square-foot office building during a March 11 meeting. The building will be constructed on 0.23 acres at 192 Southwestern Boulevard in Coppell.

The building will house four offices, a conference room, waiting room, restroom and breakroom area for Graystone Construction staff. The existing garage on the property will remain and six new parking spaces will be added, Senior Planner Mary Paron-Boswell said.

Plans include adding 2,033 square feet of landscaping along Southwestern Boulevard, which will be maintained by the applicant, according to a staff memo. An 8-foot tall wood fence will provide screening on the west and north ends of the property, Paron-Boswell said.

Council members approved the zoning request after Coppell’s Planning and Zoning Commission voted to recommend the zoning at a previous meeting.

About the company

Graystone Construction offers commercial roofing and general contracting services in Texas, Arizona and Arkansas, according to its website. The contracting company is based in Coppell but also has locations in Lubbock, Texas and Phoenix, Arizona.