Lewisville City Council approved the interlocal agreement on Feb. 6, which will allow two interconnects located near MacArthur Boulevard and Lake Vista Drive, and Denton Tap Road and Highland Drive.
Recent nationwide events have led federal and state regulatory agencies to require water systems to evaluate their capabilities in water delivery in times of stress, according to the agenda item. In the aftermath of the 2021 winter storm, the Texas Senate passed a bill that required water systems to develop plans to ensure emergency operations of the water system in an extended power outage lasting longer than 24 hours. Lewisville already has interconnections with The Colony and Dallas Water Utilities.
Coppell officials approached Lewisville officials with a proposal to evaluate water system interconnections near the SH 121 mutual city boundary. Coppell City Council went on to approve the proposed interlocal agreement Dec. 13.
Water supply using these interconnects will only be used on an emergency basis. Coppell will be responsible for the design, construction and maintenance costs of the interconnects.
Construction could begin as early as this summer and is projected to be completed before winter.