Roanoke City Council Ward 2

Bryan Moyers
Occupation: Firearms dealer
Experience: I have 26 years in the automotive, collision and insurance world, working for both small and medium-sized businesses. I was the National Catastrophe Manager for a medium-sized insurance company. Today, I am a small business owner here in Roanoke. Having lived in Roanoke for a little over a decade, I have spent a great deal of that time volunteering and coaching youth sports and was recently elected to our neighborhood HOA board of directors.
Why are you running for office?
BM: I’m running to represent Roanoke City Council-Ward 2 because I want to step up and do my part to serve my community and help build upon the strong foundation that was built by those who served before me.
If elected, what will be your top three priorities?
BM: If elected, my priorities are: Maintain a safe community; Continue to attract business to Roanoke, both large and small; Enhance our city’s infrastructure and keep it an attractive place to live, work and play.
What do you see as the city's role in addressing the coronavirus pandemic?
BM: I feel the city should continue to ensure that all city employees and buildings are following the latest Centers for Disease Control and Prevention guidelines. We should continue to work with and support our county health department in an effort to reduce cases and support their vaccine efforts. Our city should also constantly look at “best practices” from other communities to help support our local businesses and community.

Michael J. Callaway
Occupation: Financial services
Experience: 20 years in the financial industry, Certified Financial Planner designate in 2020, MBA in Marketing from the University of Dallas 2004, BBA in Economics and International Business from Baylor 1996
Contact: www.facebook.com/MichaelForRoanoke
Why are you running for office?
MC: When I was running for office in 2018 people would ask why not start off by running for city council? The reason was simple. I was not going to challenge an incumbent that I thought was doing a great job. If I am honored enough to earn your vote and lucky enough to win on May 1st, my goal is to keep us on the path that has produced an amazing downtown, lots of beautiful parks and trails, a variety of housing types and apartments as well as a diversified tax base.
If elected, what will be your top three priorities?
MC: Transparency and accountability, local control and a diverse tax base
What do you see as the city's role in addressing the coronavirus pandemic?
MC: I view the mask mandate the way I view speed limits. I realize not everyone will follow the speed limit perfectly. I understand that in many ways it is not enforceable. However, speed limits make people drive better and save lives. To get rid of speed limits and say it is about your freedom to choose how fast you and your family will drive would be completely irresponsible.