Two candidates have filed to run for Place 4 on the Grapevine City Council in the May 3 election.

Voter registration will be open to eligible residents through April 3. Early voting starts April 22 and ends April 29. Election Day is May 3. Grapevine residents can check their voter registration status through Tarrant County's website.

Candidates were asked to limit responses to 50 words, answer the questions provided and avoid attacking opponents. Answers have been edited or cut for style and clarity or to adhere to guidelines.

Candidates have been listed in alphabetical order.

Brandon Rener

Occupation: Line cook with a private catering company

Contact Information: [email protected]

Why are you running for office?

I’m running because I believe in having a progressive voice in government.

What are the biggest challenges facing the city?

Affordable housing in Grapevine is in need of some serious change for the benefit of lower income families.

How do you plan to address these issues?

Hopefully with the support of local civic leaders that are interested in helping.

What would your top priorities be if you are elected?

My priorities are clear: improving public safety, investing in sustainable infrastructure, expanding existing infrastructure, supporting local businesses, and ensuring affordable housing for all.

Sean Shope

Experience: 30 years of banking and finance experience

Occupation: Banker

Contact Information: [email protected]

Why are you running for office?

To build on our tremendous foundation so that our kids’ kids have the ability and desire to work and live in our city. I have been blessed to grow up here, and want to give back to the community that has given me so much. I will serve our citizens.

What are the biggest challenges facing the city?

Our council and city are the best in the country. The transition of key leadership that is expected over the next decade will be extremely important for our city.

How do you plan to address these issues?

Encourage the good people of our community to engage on boards and commissions to deepen our pool of leaders. Continue to support programs like Leadership Grapevine that educates future leaders of the many departments and needs the city provides.

What would your top priorities be if you are elected?

Be an encouragement to our city employees that make our community work so well. Be an advocate for our citizens that work in and call our community home. This means to maintain the current path that allows for our kids to build a life here. This includes living and working.