Candidates were asked to keep responses under 50 words, answer the question provided without attacking opponents. Answers may have been edited or cut to adhere to those guidelines, or for style and clarity.
Candidates are listed in alphabetical order by last name.

Douglas Allen*
Law clerk for United States District Judge, 1998-2000; Assistant District Attorney Tarrant County, 2000-02; Assistant United States Attorney, 2002-23
judge, Criminal District Court 3
Candidate Website:
Contact Information:
Why are you running for office?
I believe Tarrant County must be a paragon of good governance, and a key to that is a highly competent and professional judiciary. I want every citizen who comes in contact with my court to come away feeling they were treated with respect.
What are the biggest challenges facing the county?
Coming out of COVID[-19] where trials were not held for almost two years, a backlog of cases accumulated in Tarrant County, creating delays for crime victims and defendants to have their day in court. Long delays chip away at the credibility of our system of justice and the courts, especially.
How do you plan to address these issues?
One of my goals was to cut in half the backlog of cases in my court within two years. I accomplished that goal after 17 months. CDC3 went from the third-largest docket (out of 11 criminal district courts) to now the third-smallest (ninth place to third).
What would your top priorities be if you are re-elected?
My goal is to continue to run the most efficient and professional court in Tarrant County and that citizens know they have a judge who gives everyone a fair shake but will never back down from protecting the community when the facts of a case require it.

John Brender
Former felony prosecutor with over 100 jury trials
Candidate Website:
Contact Information:
Why are you running for office?
I am running for Judge of Criminal District, Court 3 to work hard. By "work hard," I mean showing up and doing the county's business to increase fairness and reduce costs for the taxpayers. Under Republican leadership, both are lacking at the county level.
What are the biggest challenges facing the county?
The jail is continually overcrowded due to mismanagement, which reduces safety in our community. Our law enforcement agencies should never be told "jail is full" simply because it isn't run correctly. Unfortunately, that has been happening and it isn't right.
How do you plan to address these issues?
Being in the office every day to make sure that work doesn't back up. My court would be open during the day to conduct business. [I’d] get non-violent criminals into court and get them on the path to being productive citizens as opposed to constant drains on society.
What would your top priorities be if you are elected?
Work, work, work! No more sitting around wasting taxpayers’ money by not getting the work done. It's really very simple.