Candidates were asked to keep responses under 50 words, and to answer the questions provided and avoid attacking opponents. Answers may have been edited to comply with word count guidelines or for style and clarity.
Community Impact is only asking candidates in contested May 4 elections to answer questionnaires.

Dennis Sheridan
Over 20 years volunteering on Trophy Club commissions and council
Retired, residential and light commercial construction, land development, real estate broker
Candidate Website:
Contact Information:
Why are you running for office?
I have committed to giving back to my community for 20-plus years. I have years as DFW USO volunteer, 18 years on the Trophy Club P&Z, chair of Trophy Club Charter Review, and I want to continue to build on that good work as councilman Place 3.
What are the biggest challenges facing the city?
The town vision/goals/plans needs to be refreshed. We have no complete strategic or parks plan. Strategic plans are great but need to include milestones and measurements. In addition the town park system is foregoing private, state, federal grants because we lack a professional Master Parks Plan.
How do you plan to address these issues?
The current council hired new leadership: town manager, town secretary and legal counsel. They have been tasked to create a Strategic Plan with measurable goals and a Master Parks Plan. These tasks are essential to keeping Trophy Club “A Great Place To Live.” I will partner with the town manager to complete both.
What would your top priorities be if you are elected?
Continue instilling transparency into all government meetings. On the council finance sub-committee be a fiscal hawk, ensuring a responsible budget. Finish the school traffic studies to find a winning solution. Implement the Master Parks Plan, including all town-owned tracts and medians, to beautify and enhance Trophy Club.

Wendie Bailey
Several board positions, including at parks and recreation, The Lakes HOA, PTA and and Trophy Club Women's Club
Realtor at All City Real Estate and owner of B Square Foundation Repair
Candidate Website:
Contact Information:
Why are you running for office?
I am a longtime resident of Trophy Club with a strong love for the town and a passion to serve.
What are the biggest challenges facing the town?
We have extremely high taxes with little commercial tax revenue.
How do you plan to address these issues?
I would like to implement programs in our Parks Department and bring innovative ways to utilize our parks system for added revenue. I will also prop up our businesses and build relationships to foster their success, as well as attract new businesses.
What would your top priorities be if you are elected?
My priority will be building and strengthening relationships with our residents. The best way to serve the town and know what the people want is to get out and speak with them. I will be the voice of the people.