Brad Schofield
Keller ISD board trustee for nine years
Texas CPA
Candidate Website:
Why are you running for office?
Because my opponent doesn’t support public education, he does support rerouting state funding away from it. He supports raising our local property taxes to fund our schools rather than using the state’s $33 billion surplus. He is personally against gender modification procedures for minors but politically votes to fund them.
What are the biggest challenges facing the county?
Lack of educational funding. Our schools are running huge inflation-caused deficits that must be funded by either the state or local property taxpayers. I want the state to pay, whereas my opponent wants the homeowner to fund it through higher property taxes. The big question is, who should fund them?
How do you plan to address these issues?
I feel educational funding shouldn’t be an afterthought when the state prepares its budget. It should be one of the first items that goes into the budget. If the state is unwilling to fund its schools adequately, then no budget resolution should be passed.
What would your top priorities be if you are elected?
Texas’s public schools require $6 billion in funding. They have received no new funding in five years, even though inflation has increased by 20%. If universal vouchers are considered, add another $3.5 billion. The state must spend between $9-$10 billion to fund public and private schools adequately.

Giovanni Capriglione
Texas House 2013-24; Chairman Pensions, Investments, Financial Services, Chair Innovation and Technology Caucus, Chair of Tarrant County Legislative Delegation
Private equity
Candidate Website:
Contact Information:
Why are you running for office?
As a successful small business man and proven job creator I see the obstacles that government regulation, taxes, and frivolous lawsuits impose on entrepreneurs. I am committed to removing these obstacles so that businesses can create jobs.
What are the biggest challenges facing the county?
Tarrant County is the one of the fastest growing large counties in America. We need to continue to invest in our infrastructure, water, electricity, and transportation. Also, at the state level we need to stop illegal immigration and protect taxpayers from out of control local taxes.
How do you plan to address these issues?
I have a proven record in fighting for and defending our shared Texas conservative values. I have authored and passed legislation that has saved millions of taxpayer dollars, record investments in border security, and the largest property tax cut in Texas history.
What would your top priorities be if you are elected?
As a trusted and tested conservative I want to return to Austin to continue to protect Texans online privacy, improve efficiency and accuracy in the property tax assessment process, and empower parents in their children’s education.