Learn more about the candidates running for Grapevine-Colleyville ISD Place 3 Trustee position ahead of the May 3 general election.

Candidates were asked to keep responses under 50 words, answer the question provided without attacking opponents. Answers may have been edited or cut to adhere to those guidelines, or for style and clarity.

* Indicates incumbent.

Matt Foust

Experience: Dads Club President, Bond Advisory Committee, Council of PTA’s Legislative/Advocacy Chair, Youth Coach

Occupation: Lawyer

Candidate Website: www.foustforgcisd.com

Contact Information: N/A

Why are you running for office?

We have a moral obligation to provide all GCISD students—every single one—with a world-class education. Sadly, reckless comments, divisive political issues and lack of focus have distracted the district from that mission. I’m running to focus on solutions and to eliminate distractions. Taxpayers deserve nothing less.

What are the biggest challenges facing the school district?

Over the past three years, GCISD budgets resulted in a combined deficit of nearly $21.2 million. We must honor taxpayers by recommitting to balanced budgets. Our educators are choosing to leave the district. For the 2024-25 school year, employees did not receive a salary increase and they feel disrespected.

How do you plan to address these issues?

The skills, knowledge, and training that I’ve developed during my legal and business career uniquely qualify me to identify and pursue bold solutions. Financially, I will focus on wisely investing taxpayer resources. GCISD educators will always know that I have their backs.

What would your top priorities be if you are elected?

Thoughtfully managing taxpayer dollars and district resources. Developing solutions and eliminating distractions. Retaining and recruiting top-notch educators, which will improve student outcomes. Emphasizing Career and Technology Education. Developing and supporting innovative programs that will keep current students and draw new students to GCISD. Consistently communicating with all constituents.

Tammy Nakamura*

Experience: GCISD Trustee, 6 years city governance, business owner, PTA, GRACE Gala, Chamber of Commerce, etc.

Occupation: Small Business Owner, Long-standing Community Leader and Volunteer

Contact Information: 214-274-5990

Why are you running for office?

I seek re-election to GCISD School Board because I stand for the success of our students, support of our teachers, and the responsible stewardship of our taxpayer dollars. I want to continue the success of our current board in raising academic standards while keeping taxes low!

What are the biggest challenges facing the school district?

When elected in 2022, our biggest challenge was lack of academic rigor and a deficit budget. Those challenges have been remedied. Now our primary challenge is to continue to operate within budget while still fully supporting the teachers who will prepare our students for modern career paths.

How do you plan to address these issues?

As an “independent” school district, we must stand on our own no matter what our state does with school funding. As your legislative liaison, I will continue advocating to abolish “Robin Hood,” which has taken $900 million from GCISD. Our teachers can prepare our kids, but we must support them!

What would your top priorities be if you are elected?

My top priorities if re-elected are to continue empowering our teachers, listening to our community, and delivering results. Keep taxes low and educational standards high! You always know where I stand: for the success of our students, support of our teachers, and the responsible stewardship of our taxpayer dollars.