The Carroll ISD board of trustees adopted a resolution Monday night asking the Texas Legislature to repeal the A-F accountability rating system.
"This is broken. We have to fix this," Superintendent David Faltys said. "We certainly think this particular system is politically motivated ..."
Although the new rating system will be officially implemented in the 2017-18 academic year, preliminary results were released in early January to the public as a trial run and features provisional scores for each district and campus in four out of five domains, or performance areas. The scores are based on data from the 2015-16 academic year. According to the Texas Education Agency, no overall rating can yet be given to districts and campuses, since no score has been given for Domain V—community and student engagement—which will account for 10 percent of the overall grade.
As a district, CISD scored all "A's" in each of the domains except in Domain IV, which measures postsecondary readiness. At the high school level, this is based on the graduation rate and the percentage of students who graduate ready for college, career or the military.
Trustee Michelle Moore said she believes the system uses unrelated indicators to determine a single grade.
"We received a "C" in the post-secondary readiness category yet 92 percent of our kids go on to four-year universities, so the metrics they are using to come up with these grades [don't] makes sense," she said.
Here is how CISD's schools scored using the system.
Instead of the A-F system, trustees stated in the resolution that they wish to "develop a community-based accountability system that empowers school districts to design their own internal systems of assessment and accountability that, while meeting general state standards, allows districts to innovate and customize curriculum and instruction to meet the needs and interests of each student and their communities."