The Grapevine City Council has awarded an engineering services contract to Huitt-Zollars Inc. for the Dallas Road Corridor/Cottonbelt Trail project for the design of roadways, landscaping and bicycle improvements. The award came during the City Council meeting on Oct. 3 after some brief discussion from the council. Public Works Director Bryan Beck came before the council to provide background on the project. Beck explained that earlier this year, the council provided a directive to submit projects to the North Central Texas Council of Governments Transportation Alternatives Set-Aside Program. City staff submitted the Dallas Road Corridor/Cottonbelt Trail, and was in turn awarded the full $5 million toward construction of the roadway and trail improvements. "We got the entire award, didn't we?" Council Member Darlene Freed said. "That’s a pretty big deal." Although the city has yet to receive the awarded amount from the NCTCOG, Grapevine city staff recommended moving forward with certain parts of the project. "What we’re asking for is to go ahead and advance the design and have it ready, so that once the COG releases the funds to us, we’re ready to go and begin construction," City Manager Bruno Rumbelow said. The award amount is for just over $1 million, and with that Beck said the city will be able to streamline the process of environmental clearance for the project. The total current construction estimate for the project is $6.5 million.