Abbott: 60x30TX plan aims to increase college completion rates Gov. Greg Abbott and other higher education officials present the 60x30TX plan Nov. 16 at the Collin College Higher Education Center.[/caption]

Gov. Greg Abbott and state higher education officials visited the Collin College Higher Education Center on Nov. 16 to present the new 60x30TX plan, which aims to have at least 60 percent of Texans ages 25-34 obtain a college certificate or degree by 2030.

The plan was made in response to Texas’ need to meet the workforce demands, Abbott said.

“The strength of the Texas economy emanates from our tremendous workforce,” he said. “… However, it is clear to everyone in this room today that even though we have a top-quality workforce, we don’t have enough of that workforce to meet the job-growth needs that we have in this state.”

Besides the overarching goal, the plan outlines three main goals: helping students complete college, having students develop marketable skills and reducing student debt.

The plan lays out interim benchmarks for Texas colleges and universities to meet in order to achieve the four goals. One of the benchmarks includes increasing the percentage of Texans ages 25-34 who have a certificate or degree every five years until 2030. Currently 38.3 percent of Texans in that age range have obtained a degree or certificate.

Abbott said the most recent Texas Legislature took strides to ensure high school students received college credit for obtaining a certain score on AP exams and made sure community college courses transferred to four-year colleges.