Two-minute impact
Stop signs were removed from three of Elm Street’s four-way intersections on June 17, according to a city news release.
- Elm Street and Second Street
- Elm Street and Fourth Street
- Elm Street and Sixth Street
Those intersections will now be two-way stops, according to the news release.
Any drivers headed east or west on Elm Street at Second Street, Fourth Street and Sixth Street will no longer have to stop and should continue driving.
The other intersections will stay four-way stops. Signs that read “cross traffic does not stop” and other warnings have already been placed along Elm Street, according to the release.
Drivers are encouraged to use caution while driving on Elm Street while people get used to the new patterns.
Sorting out details
The stop signs at the affected intersections were always meant to be temporary, according to the release. They were installed during Elm Street’s reconstruction to eventually reverse the direction of several stop signs.
Elm Street was the first downtown Frisco road to see construction as part of the overall Rail District redevelopment project. The next step is improving Main Street, which should begin sometime after the city’s Fourth of July celebrations.
Regular updates on the downtown redevelopment projects can be found here.