Frisco officials confirmed another two mosquito pools tested positive for West Nile virus—the city’s third and fourth positives this month—in an Aug. 23 city news release.

What you need to know

According to the release, the two positives were confirmed at the following locations:
  • Along Midnight Moon Drive
  • Intersection of McCommas Drive and Michelle Drive
Weather permitting, a third-party contractor will ground spray overnight in some areas of the neighborhoods surrounding the positives from 9 p.m.-5 a.m. on Aug. 24 and Aug. 25, according to the release.

Ground spraying uses adulticide, a mosquito-specific insecticide, to decrease the number of adult mosquitoes as much as possible, according to Frisco’s Mosquito Surveillance and Response Plan.

Adulticides do not harm humans or pets when used correctly, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Only the areas around the two most recent positives will be sprayed.

Going forward

To limit the chance of being bit by a mosquito, the Texas Department of State Health Services recommends residents take the following precautions:
  • Wear: Wear long sleeves and pants outside at dawn and dusk when mosquitoes are most active.
  • Apply: Use insect repellants if outside. Approved repellents contain DEET, picaridin or oil of lemon eucalyptus.
  • Remove: Drain standing water that collects in bird baths, French drains, clogged gutters, saucers under potted plants and splash blocks. The mosquitoes that carry the virus can breed in stagnant water.

The city tracks its West Nile virus positives and spray areas on a public map, which keeps a record of mosquito testing dating back to September 2018.

The four confirmed positives so far are the city’s first since 2022, which saw 13 cases during the city’s May 1-Nov. 15 mosquito testing season.

More information on the city’s mosquito surveillance plan and how to prevent mosquito breeding and bites can be found at or by contacting the city’s Health & Food Safety Division at 972-292-5304.