Frisco City Council members adopted an updated, simplified version of the city’s Water Management Plan during a May 7 meeting.

The updates, which include specific dates for each season and when to use an outdoor watering system, are expected to advocate against unnecessary waste, Public Works Director Gabe Johnson said during an April 2 work session meeting.

The gist

Here is a quick look at the new plan's watering schedule:
  • Spring (April 1-May 31): Irrigation watering allowed once per week on regular trash day
  • Summer (June 1-Aug. 31): Irrigation watering allowed twice per week on regular trash day and second watering day
  • Fall (Sept. 1-Oct. 31): Irrigation watering allowed once per week on regular trash day
  • Winter (Nov. 1-March 31): No irrigation watering allowed
The second watering day is determined based on residents’ regular trash day. For example, if trash day is scheduled on Monday, then the second watering day is scheduled on Thursday.

There are no watering exemptions for turfgrass areas at existing homes between June and August due to the extra watering day, according to the city's website. Landscape areas are allowed to water any day and do not need exemptions.

Keep in mind

The new schedule can seem more restrictive but will promote less water waste over time through a consistent schedule, Johnson said. The new policies also only apply to the watering systems as there are no restrictions on hand-watering.

More information on the Water Management Plan and additional weekly watering recommendations from the city’s Public Works department can be found here.