Collin County residents will be able to give feedback later this month on changes being considered on local regulations.

Collin County Commissioners Court will hold a public hearing on the proposed revisions during its regular session at 1:30 p.m. Feb. 24 in the fourth-floor Commissioners Courtroom of the Jack Hatchell Collin County Administration Building, 2300 Bloomdale Road, McKinney.

The public will have the chance to speak on possible changes to the Collin County Subdivision Regulations and Collin County Floodplain Management Regulations as well as hear comments on the new Collin County Drainage Design Manual and Collin County Roadway Standards to be considered by the court.

The subdivision regulations were rewritten to correspond with House Bill 3167 and improve the flow of information. Often called the “Shot Clock Bill,” HB 3167 gives cities 30 calendar days to respond to plats, site plans and other development plans.

The flood plain management regulations are being amended to establish base flood elevations.

The drainage design manual is being considered for adoption to help minimize adverse impacts from residential and commercial developments.

The roadway standards summarize new county road sections and geometric design requirements.

Interested parties may inquire further about the changes by contacting Tracy Homfeld at 972-548-3733 or [email protected]; by contacting Mike Sullivan at 972-548-3736 or [email protected]; or by visiting 4690 Community Ave., Ste. 200, McKinney.