Voters in 11 North Texas counties, including parts of Collin, Denton, Cooke and Grayson counties, will have a choice between two candidates for the State Senate, District 30 seat in the November election.

Incumbent Drew Springer did not run for reelection. There were primary elections for both the Republican and Democrat ticket for the State Senate, District 30 race, with Republican Brent Hagenbuch and Democrat Dale Frey winning the bids for their respective parties.

Eligible North Texas residents have until Oct. 7 to register to vote, and early voting starts Oct. 21 and ends Nov. 1. Election Day is Nov. 5.

What they're saying

Candidates were asked to keep responses within 50 words, answer the questions provided and avoid attacking opponents. Answers may have been edited or cut to adhere to those guidelines, or for style and clarity. For more election coverage, go to

Dale Frey

Experience: Former Precinct Chair, Frisco Democratic Club Communications Director, Progressive Toastmasters Public-Relations Representative

Occupation: Web Developer

Candidate Website:

Contact Information: 571-332-8007

Why are you running?

I have seen first-hand how broken our healthcare system is, as my wife and I came back here to Texas to be with her father as he battled cancer. I was also shocked to find out how little amount of money he made as a retired public school teacher.

If elected, what would be your top priorities?

Standing against the school voucher scam which is designed to defund our public schools. Increasing the amount of funding to our ISDs by increasing the basic allotment value (which has not been adjusted since long before the pandemic). Having Texas join the Medicaid-Expansion Program, and fixing our broken power grid.

What will you bring to this office in terms of your qualifications or perspective?

As a federal contractor, I understand the importance of government and how government funding is important. There are many sectors in the Texas state level whose rates have not been adjusted since the pandemic, thus inflation is killing those sectors, i.e. Health & Human Services, our public schools, etc.

What are the biggest issues facing the district today, and how do you plan to address them if elected?

Public schools are desperately underfunded. We need to adjust the basic allotment rates, at least to match the growth in inflation. Water scarcity issues plague areas in Texas. We need to invest more in our infrastructure to build more water recycling centers, aquifers, and water-transport.

Brent A. Hagenbuch

Experience: U.S Naval Academy - Mechanical Engineering, Stanford – Masters Civil Engineering, UCLA – MBA, 13 Years Navy

Occupation: Chairman, Titus Transport

Candidate Website:

Contact Information: 940-600-4831

Why are you running?

To ensure Texas is a great place for my grandchildren to live the American Dream like I have done.

If elected, what would be your top priorities?

Secure the border, protect parent’s rights and protect the Texas economy.

What will you bring to this office in terms of your qualifications or perspective?

Both my education and my work experience have prepared me well to tackle the tough issues our state is facing.

What are the biggest issues facing the district today, and how do you plan to address them if elected?

The border, parental rights, water and protecting the Texas economy—I will support conservative solutions.