Candidate responses may have been edited for length, style and clarity.
Incumbents are indicated with an asterisk (*).
Early voting will take place from April 25-May 3.

Stephanie Elad
Eight-plus years as a Frisco ISD family, mom, 20-plus years in corporate human resources
Senior human resources director
Candidate Website:
Contact Information:
[email protected]
Why are you running for office?
Frisco ISD is sought out by families across North Texas because of the longstanding tradition of academic excellence. All students should have access to opportunities and standards for success that encourage and facilitate their needs. The curriculum changes currently being implemented include waterfall grading, retesting without penalty and the elimination/reduction of homework, to name a few. It’s time to get back to the basics and focus on meeting our students by name and need.
What are the biggest challenges facing Frisco ISD? How do you plan to address these issues?
Over the past five years, teacher losses have averaged over 550 a year. This number was over 600 this past year. We need to dig deeper into understanding why there are so many teachers leaving to teach in a neighboring district. And we also need to understand what must be done to encourage teacher retention. I bring a results-driven level of expertise to the table based on 20-plus years of experience in corporate human resources.
If elected, what would be your top priorities?
1) Teacher retention 2) Eliminate “One Level ILA,” which is a current pilot program in eight middle schools combining advanced and on-level students in the same classroom, essentially eliminating differentiated learning. I want to expand advanced learning opportunities for any student who wants to be challenged as well as preserve the learning environment for on-level students. 3) Encourage community involvement by returning to a three-minute time limit and allowing speakers to address nonagenda items during public comments.
What are some new ideas or programs you would like the district to explore?
1) Expand STEM and robotics programs to include K-12. Students who participate in these programs are not only more engaged with their education, but are also better equipped for future career opportunities. 2) Stronger recruitment and retention programs for paraprofessionals and special education staff as they are integral in meeting the needs of this amazing student population. 3) New programs that encourage partnership opportunities for additional sports (i.e. lacrosse, archery, etc.).

Timothy Soto
10 years
Sales, accounting
Contact Information:
[email protected]
Why are you running for office?
To secure a strong education for our future leaders.
What are the biggest challenges facing Frisco ISD? How do you plan to address these issues?
Lack of direction by the district resulting in teacher retention issues … bring district leaders to a common, agreeable direction that will be the standard for other districts to look up to. By making the direction tangible to the district leaders, parents, community organizations, businesses, and teachers, and most importantly, our students. Face-to-face meetings are best at accomplishing this. For teacher retention, interviewing current teachers face-to-face to actually understand their concerns, burdens and ideal working conditions.
If elected, what would be your top priorities?
Recruiting teachers and administrative staff that will help the district move forward on its vision and mission. Revisit the budget to potentially expand teachers and administrative staff salaries without hindering the success of the District programs. Transparency—we will allow the parents to see directly what our children are being taught, where the material came from and who is responsible for selecting the books and content that our children’s minds will be exposed to.
What are some new ideas or programs you would like the district to explore?
Connecting students to events, activities, businesses and organizations—students will not know what they want to be or do unless they know what’s out there. Activity-based programs such as learning cryptocurrency, premed, 3D-CAD engineering and program coding for gaming and biotech. Programs that teach our children how to be safe in foreign countries. Personal financial planning programs that promote self-care and self-sufficiency. Being competitive in the world market is becoming more difficult.

Dustin Paschal
I serve now or have served on many civic, charitable and professional boards and committees, including three Frisco ISD citizen committees, the city of Frisco parks and recreation board, the North Texas Community Giving Foundation board of trustees (current chair), Dallas HR (former chair), the Dallas Association of Young Lawyers, the National Breast Cancer Foundation Advisory Committee (current chair) and the Texas Society of Human Resource Management state council.
Attorney at Simon | Paschal PLLC
Candidate Website:
Contact Information:
[email protected]
Why are you running for office?
Frisco ISD is a superior school district by any measure, and the No. 1 reason most people move to the community. Yet, it is under attack from a small but vocal group of disruptors who are part of a national movement to take down public education. As a proud product of Texas public schools, I want to contribute my talents to help protect the district that will educate my son and thousands of others.
What are the biggest challenges facing Frisco ISD? How do you plan to address these issues?
An urgent issue FISD faces is being part of a larger national trend of declining mental health among young people exacerbated by the pandemic. I believe the next biggest challenge is politically driven distortion by some about what operational decisions should be subject to national hysteria and news trends, versus those best driven by trained K-12 educators. We must restore communitywide respect for teachers and schools, as well as civil communication to and about FISD.
If elected, what would be your top priorities?
First, I want to support FISD administration in navigating a nationwide labor and hiring crisis; we must continue to stay competitive and attractive as an employment destination. Next, I want to understand what FISD is working on to increase school-based mental health support and improved outcomes for special education students. Finally, I want to support current projects, such as the FISD performing arts center, the CTE expansion, and Panther Creek High School’s completion and opening.
What are some new ideas or programs you would like the district to explore?
FISD is on the cutting edge in many areas, including virtual learning, career and college readiness, technology-enhanced learning spaces, and student opportunity; I hope this continues. I think we can innovate our legislative approach to school funding. Taxpayers are choking statewide on the current system—where homeowners carry the majority of the cost of educating over 5 million students. I think FISD could lead with solutions that keep our schools strong while relieving taxpaying homeowners.