Why are you running?
I was inspired to run for Frisco ISD Board of Trustees, Place 5 when I saw that parents, teachers, and community members needed a voice in Frisco. Our beloved school district has built a legacy of excellence through the years based on academic rigor, student success, and parental involvement. I will open the dialogue so that parents are partners with the district to continue the success of FISD.
What are you hoping to accomplish if you are elected?
I will address the pressing issues brought to the school district by our parents, teachers, and community: Focus on academic excellence, advocate for our teachers, foster transparency, ensure a safe learning environment for the students and staff, review the practice of assessing students behaviorally without cause, promote parental rights to protect childhood innocence, and evaluate the technology sources our children are exposed to.
What are the top issues Frisco ISD will face in the coming years?
I see amazing success for Frisco! However, I’m concerned about a continuing trend of teacher shortage and classroom distractions to the detriment of academics. According to TEA, less than half of our students are “At Meets Grade Level or Above”. FISD has an “A” rating and I’d like to see our Academic Performance reflect that rating. I support classical grading methods as opposed to Standards Based Grading experiments.
What are some new ideas or programs you would like the district to explore?
I would like to see the Frisco ISD rely less on TASB for training, policy, and curriculum. Frisco has highly competent and trained teachers, and I would like to see the district promote teacher autonomy, classical teaching and testing methods in the classroom and rely less on streamed online lessons. Let teachers teach, let parents parent, and let’s get back to basics.<br>

Mark Hill
Business owner, attorney
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Why are you running?
I care deeply about Frisco and its educational community, and have dedicated years to helping support it. We have an excellent District that needs leadership to break through the recent political distractions and division. I aim to be a positive and thoughtful voice on the board.
What are you hoping to accomplish if you are elected?
I hope to make student achievement the focus, represent the district in a way that makes parents and teachers proud to be a part of Frisco ISD, and help the board direct its efforts on future substantive issues of our rapidly growing district.
What are the top issues Frisco ISD will face in the coming years?
Teacher retention is a current issue, that has broad impact on the district, and will be an issue to address and improve in years to come. Efficient use of technology, with an improved focus on advancing the curriculum and student achievement, is also an important issue.
What are some new ideas or programs you would like the district to explore?
Expansion of student engagement with Frisco ISD’s unique CTE (Career and Technical Education) Center, which is currently growing. I would like to see an ROTC program considered by the district. Also, academic policy review that focus more on accountability and rewards achievement.