As of noon on Jan. 14, two incumbents—Frisco ISD Place 6 trustee John Classe and Place 7 trustee René Archambault—have filed paperwork for re-election that has been uploaded to the district website.

A new face has filed to run for Place 7, too: Evelyn Brooks—a teacher and an eight-year Frisco resident, according to her election application—filed candidate paperwork yesterday.

Classe was first appointed to the board in 2014 and elected to his first term in 2015, according to the district’s website. If he is re-elected, he will serve his third term on the board.

Archambault was elected to her first term on the board in 2018. If re-elected, 2021-24 will be her second term serving as a trustee.

Jan. 13 was the first day eligible FISD residents could file an application for a place on May’s ballot.

The candidate filing period for the May 1 election will close Feb. 12.

Board members in FISD serve three-year terms and are not subject to term limits. Candidates run for specific seats, but each trustee represents the school district at-large, and they are elected by voters across the entire school district.