A majority of Frisco ISD parents are in favor of either starting the 2020-21 school year in person with added safety measures or with a blend of in-person and online instruction, according to the results of a district survey.

More than 16,000 parents responded to a survey released by FISD May 27-31 on approaches for the school year in light of the COVID-19 pandemic.

“This was important information for us as we continue to plan the upcoming school year,” FISD Superintendent Mike Waldrip said in a June 9 release.

In the 2020-21 school year, the survey indicates 59% of respondents will have children in kindergarten through fifth grades, 38% in sixth through eighth grades and 42% in ninth through 12th grades.

Parents weighed in on three scenarios for starting next school year, per the survey:

  • School starts as normal with additional safety and health measures in place

  • School starts in a socially distant instructional environment with some blend of face-to-face instruction on campus and online learning at home. There would likely be a rotation of whole days on campus and whole days at home for students.

  • School starts in a totally online instructional environment

When given these options, 44% of parents favored starting school normally with added measures in place, 33% favored the blended approach and 22% favored a totally online approach, per the survey.

The district has not yet made a decision on how the 2020-21 school year will look, per the June 9 release. Additional surveys may be sent out over the summer seeking further input from parents.

Below are the survey results for other questions posed to parents regarding next school year: