The conversation turned to school safety at the Frisco ISD school board meeting Monday night. Nearly three weeks after 17 people were killed in a school shooting in Parkland, Florida, district officials presented an update to the board on FISD's security protocol. Doug Zambiasi, FISD deputy superintendent of support services, said in the past couple of weeks he and FISD director of security Kevin Haller have met with district administration and security directors to talk over different protocols and ideas. Haller provided the board with a list of safety measures that are currently in place at the district. These include:
  • Having two lockdown drills per semester
  • Having joint drills with Frisco police and fire
  • Placing security resource officers at all middle schools and high schools
  • Allowing Frisco police and fire access to cameras inside schools
  • Holding active shooter training
  • Conducting safety and security audits
  • Having unannounced security checks
For more information on the district's security measures, click here. Several parents also spoke during the public comment portion of the meeting about additional security and preventive measures they would like to see the district implement. Some parents suggested the district should invest in metal detectors and others suggested the district start with learning to recognize the signs of mental health issues. Zambiasi said the district is welcoming any feedback and recommendations on security protocols. "The hardest thing for me with this particular [issue] is we are so good as a district when we become aware of a problem to fix it, and this is one of those problems that there is no fix to," Zambiasi said. "I think we need to look at all the things we're doing and then we need to look at what other things we can do in addition to that are going to help us become safer."