The Frisco Planning and Zoning Commission approved four development requests ranging between added urban living in Frisco Square to a church near downtown.

The commission considered and approved the requests at a Sept. 10 regular meeting.

Urban living at Frisco Square

The commission approved a replat request to combine two properties spanning 7.4 acres near Frisco Square. The property on the northwest corner of Library Street and Cotton Gin Road aims to develop 640 urban living units in two buildings.

Eldorado Business Park

The replat for one office and storage area was approved. The development on the east side of Research Road and south of Eldorado Parkway spans 34.5 acres.

Newstart Church of the Nazarene

The commission approved a specific-use permit on one lot over 1.7 acres for Newstart Church of the Nazarene. The development is located near downtown Frisco on the northwest corner of North County Road and First Street.

Frisco Center Business Park

Frisco Center Properties Inc. requested to rezone 3.1 acres on the southeast corner of Frisco Street and Eldorado Parkway from industrial to retail.

The requested rezoning area is near other retail areas. Chairman Robert Cox said he appreciates rezoning where industrial may not be the best fit.

“But I don’t know if all retail would be the right answer, either,” Cox said at the meeting

Commissioner Brittany Colberg said the zoning switch will be beneficial due to the nearby retail spaces.

“I think it complements everything well,” Colberg said at the meeting. “I think it’s an excellent fit for what is around there.”

The commission unanimously approved the rezoning request.