Updated at 11:40 a.m. June 30: The Frisco Fire Department has opted not to reopen its Safety Town educational facility on July 14. A new date for the facility's reopening has not been announced.

Local families will soon be able to schedule a visit to Frisco Fire Safety Town for their elementary-aged students.

Frisco Fire Department plans to reopen its Safety Town educational facility on July 14. All of the facility’s educational opportunities are being moved outside to allow for social distancing requirements to help stem the spread of the coronavirus.

“We've got the bikes. We've got the Jeeps. We've got a lot of outdoor activities to teach the children safety,” Fire Chief Mark Piland said during the June 16 Frisco City Council meeting. “We can only take a certain number of people during certain times, so please go to our website [and] sign up for your time. [We would] love to have you there.”

The Frisco Fire Safety Town website says the educational opportunities will be available for students who have completed kindergarten through fifth grades. Children can sign up to visit the educational facility based on their grade level.

The registration calendar is available for review now, and scheduling will start July 1. The facility will be open Tuesdays through Fridays between 9 and 11 a.m., though those times may vary. Safety Town is located adjacent to Frisco's Central Fire Station, 8601 Gary Burns Drive.

Children will be allowed to follow the designated path around the mini town with stops for educational information along the way. Participants will then be able to finish the visit with ride time on a bike or in a Jeep.

‘[We are] just really looking forward to opening Safety Town back up, at least on the outside,” Piland said.