A request to rezone a 75.8-acre property for what the owner refers to as “a high-end-type development” located off the Dallas North Tollway was passed 4-0 by the Frisco Planning and Zoning Commission during a July 26 meeting.

The plot of land is zoned for agricultural use, meaning the land can be used for agricultural purposes with the potential to be an urban area in the future, according to the city’s zoning ordinance. The applicant requested to rezone the area to highway zoning, which permits a mixture of land uses, such as office and retail, and is for properties specifically located off US 380 or SH 121, according to the zoning ordinance. The highway district also applies to properties off the Dallas North Tollway, according to Planning and Zoning Manager Jonathan Hubbard.

Commissioners were quick to point out that the highway zoning allows for a broad list of land uses and showed concerns for uses, such as car dealerships, commercial amusement, equipment and machinery sales, and others if the rezoning was approved.

“I am really concerned about the broadness of highway zoning compared to what’s zoned there today in agriculture,” Commission Chair David Box said. “I am worried about the potential rights this would grant the applicant if approved that would not require specific approval of the planning and zoning commission.”

Hubbard reminded commissioners that the property falls into the Tollway Overlay District, which prevents many of the uses, such as a car dealership, on the property. Jim Newman, a partner for the property, shared the reason for the request is to allow for a variety of uses on the property. Newman wants to have offices, retail, multiple restaurants and other structures on the property, he said.

“This property is now becoming appropriate for a high-end-type development,” Newman said. “This is the most flexible zoning that would bring the potential development of this property to its highest and best use.”

The planning and zoning commissioners motioned to pass the rezoning request 4-0. The request will be voted on by Frisco City Council for final approval at an upcoming meeting.