A total of 26 mosquito pools have tested positive for West Nile virus in Frisco this season, leading the city to treat for the virus again from Aug. 27-29.

In the past week, one positive pool was detected near North County Road south of Eldorado Parkway. This is the sixth positive test at this location so far this year, according to the city.

In response, the city announced it will use two different treatment methods this weekend, weather permitting.

The first method of treatment of ground spraying will occur overnight from Aug. 27-28 in some areas of the Meadow Hill Estates and Frisco Springs neighborhoods. Treatment will continue overnight on Aug. 29, but will be applied by an off-road utility terrain vehicle instead of a spray truck.

“The treatment area is more targeted to areas along the [Burlington Northern Santa Fe.] rail line where fog from the spray trucks may not reach from the road,” a news release from the city said.

A third-party contractor will apply treatment for the three consecutive nights beginning 9 p.m. Aug. 27 through 5 a.m. Aug. 28. The overnight schedule is the same on Aug. 28, ending at 5 a.m. Aug. 29. Treatment continues the night of Aug. 29, ending at 5 a.m. on Aug. 30.

No human cases of West Nile virus have been reported, according to the city.

Frisco is recommending precautionary steps from the Texas Department of State Health Services:

  • Wear long sleeves and pants outside at dawn and dusk when mosquitoes are most active.

  • Use insect repellants every trip outside. Approved repellents contain DEET, picaridin or oil of lemon eucalyptus.

  • Drain standing water that collects in bird baths, French drains, clogged gutters, saucers under potted plants and splash blocks at the end of gutter downspouts as mosquitoes can breed in stagnant water.

Visit www.friscotexas.gov/mosquitoes, or contact the city’s health and food safety division at 972-292-5304 for more information.