Councilwoman Angelia Pelham was sworn in June 15 as the newest member on Frisco City Council.

Pelham filled the Place 3 spot held by Will Sowell, who reached his term limit after nine years on City Council. The newest councilwoman advanced to a runoff election on June 5, defeating opponent Jennifer White.

Pelham spoke of several tribulations she, her family and campaign team had to overcome over the past several months while running for Frisco City Council. Above the challenges, she underscored the importance of moving beyond the campaign and beginning to govern.

“I support all of you,” Pelham told the several dozen who attended her oath of office. “I will be your ears. I will be your eyes, and most importantly, I will be your voice.”

In his farewell speech, Sowell congratulated Pelham while reflecting on his years serving on City Council.

“So many people have asked if this is a bittersweet time, or a sad time, and it really isn't,” Sowell said in his farewell speech. “I'm happy to have had the opportunity, just like Angelia will soon have, and she will be happy to have had this opportunity.”

Pelham is the CEO of Real-Talk Executive Coaching & Consulting with over 30 years of experience as a senior executive. She is a co-founder of Life-Changing Faith Christian Fellowship. She also founded the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Oration Contest, which has awarded nearly $60,000 to Frisco ISD students, according to her campaign website.