The Frisco Planning and Zoning Commission approved a site plan that includes the addition of eight retail buildings, one convenience store with gas pumps, 11 urban living buildings and a city park on 67 acres, on the southwest corner of Dallas and Rockhill parkways. The property owners, Triad Frisco Partners, worked with city staff to develop a new plan that provides central open space features and park spaces for retail and urban living usage. The spaces will help to create more walk-able, urban environment, according to the site plan. The plan also said that the provided open space and park features will connect the non-residential and residential portion of the property to create a cohesive development and will include amenities such as shade structures, illuminated statement pieces, tree groves, art plazas and seating. Protected trees within this area will need to be removed, which will require mitigation in the amount of $10,062.50.