Frisco’s population reached nearly 117,000 in the 2010 U.S. Census Bureau count. This year the population peaked at more than 160,000. The following information is from the Census Bureau and the city of Frisco.
Average resident age: 37 Median annual household income: $123,055 Median home value: $252,366 95.5% of residents have a high school diploma. 58% of residents have a Bachelor’s degree or higher.
Contacts to know
City of Frisco: 972-292-5000 City website: Trash and recycling: 972-292-5900 Frisco Library: 972-292-5669 Animal control: 972-292-5303 Frisco Athletic Center: 972-292-6600 Permitting: 972-292-5300 Parks and recreation: 972-292-6500