Multiple features of the Ford Center at The Star in Frisco were unveiled Friday by the Dallas Cowboys, Frisco ISD and corporate partners. The multi-use events center will have its first ever event Aug. 27, where all eight FISD high schools will play in a sold-out quadruple header.

Texas Lottery presents a space honoring Frisco ISD teams, including silver helmets with each high school's logo embellished on each helmet.[/caption]

A hologram introduces the new high school football uniforms by Nike.[/caption]

The Dallas Cowboys will use the Ford Center for practice, and Frisco ISD football teams will use the facility for games.[/caption]
Some of the features unveiled Friday at the stadium included the locker rooms, new high school football uniforms by Nike, interactive digital displays and video boards by Panasonic and Whataburger, as well as space near the entrance honoring FISD high school teams and traditions presented by Texas Lottery.
The Dallas Cowboys will use the 510,000-square-foot indoor athletic facility for practice, and FISD will use the stadium for games and other school events.
During a press conference, Cowboys owner Jerry Jones said he always envisioned a partnership with pro-football and high school athletics.
“I’ve pictured a high school quarterback in Frisco walking on the field to play a game just as Tony Romo is walking off the field finishing a practice and the two of them chatting about each others’ game,” Jones said as FISD football players practiced on the field behind him. “I see that happening, and I hope that’ll bring a lot of confidence.”
The facility was made possible by an agreement between the Cowboys, the city of Frisco and FISD through the use of public and private funds.
“Partnerships are really central to Frisco’s growth, and it is all that we’re about, and one of our principal partners we have is Frisco ISD,” Frisco Mayor Pro Tem Will Sowell said. “We know in Frisco, what is good for the school district is good for the city of Frisco. We know a big part of the economic engine in Frisco is driven by the partnership we have with [FISD].”
FISD Superintendent Jeremy Lyon said all the partners that brought the Ford Center to fruition have clarity of vision.
“As a school district, we’ve got clarity of vision that it’s all about student success and student opportunity,"Lyon said. "From the city standpoint, it’s clarity of vision of building a community that every body wants to move to. From the Dallas Cowboys' standpoint, it’s a clarity of vision of being the best in the world in everything they do.”
Check back on Saturday, Aug. 27 for updates from the event.