Oct. 3-4 | Family Funtoberfest

Frisco Fresh Market will host its third annual Family Funtoberfest on Oct. 3-4. In addition to kid festivities throughout the day, the event will feature food, vendors and live music. 8 a.m.-4 p.m. (Oct. 3), 10 a.m.-4 p.m. (Oct. 4). Free. Frisco Fresh Market, 9215 John W. Elliott Drive, Frisco. 844-776-2753. https://friscofreshmarket.com/ffm-events/
Oct. 5 | Frisco Town Hall

Frisco Mayor Jeff Cheney and City Council members will host the city’s latest town hall meeting in the council chambers. The regular town hall meetings offer residents in-depth information on projects, programs, services and special events in Frisco. 7-9 p.m. Free. George A. Purefoy Municipal Center, 6101 Frisco Square Boulevard, Frisco. 972-292-5000. www.friscotexas.gov/433/town-hall
Oct. 6 | John Weinberg golf tournament
The Frisco Chamber of Commerce’s annual golf tournament allows local businesses to build relationships in the community during a day out of the office. In addition to the tournament, the day will include Longest Drive and Closest to the Pin contests. A light breakfast and lunch will also be served. 8 a.m.-2 p.m. $20. Stonebriar Country Club, 5050 Country Club Drive, Frisco. 972-335-9522. www.friscochamber.com/golf-tournament/
Oct. 10 | Trees 101 clinic
Shades of Green Inc. nursery and landscape company will host a clinic about the basics of trees in Collin County. The clinic will cover tree basics, selection, planting, and care and maintenance, including pruning, watering and fertilizing. Attendees will be asked to wear a face covering and social distance during the event. 10-11 a.m. Free. Shades of Green Inc., 7401 Coit Road, Frisco. 972-335-9095. https://shadesofgreeninc.com/events/
Oct. 13 | Undead & UnRead: Slice of Cherry
The Frisco Public Library hosts a monthly meeting for adult readers to discuss science fiction, horror and fantasy books. The online event via Zoom will feature “Slice of Cherry” by Dia Reeves. 7-8 p.m. Free. 972-292-5669. https://friscolibrary.bibliocommons.com/events
Oct. 17 | Midland concert
Dr Pepper Ballpark will host a socially distanced concert by country music act Midland. Attendees will have the option of viewing the concert from the field, seating bowl or suite level. Face coverings will be required for those age 10 and up, though attendees may remove them when in their seat or pod. 6:30 p.m. (Gates), 8 p.m. (Music). $29.50-$89.50. Dr Pepper Ballpark, 7300 RoughRiders Trail, Frisco. 972-731-9200. www.milb.com/frisco/events/midland
The open-air marketplace allows boutiques, eateries and more businesses in The Rail District to bring their wares outside and interact with shoppers. 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Free. The Rail District, Main Street, Frisco. https://friscoraildistrictmerchants.com
Oct. 17 | Third Saturday Trail Walk: Zombie Survival Hike

Participants will learn about the four things needed to survive outside. While this will not be a scary event, those on the educational trail walk may encounter some "zombies." 9-10:30 a.m. Free. Frisco Commons Park, 8000 McKinney Road, Frisco. 972-292-6500. www.friscotexas.gov/1597/third-saturday-trail-walks

FC Dallas will host a Texas Derby rivalry match against the Houston Dynamo in their final home game of the season. The winner of the Texas Derby series of matches takes home an 18th-century mountain howitzer cannon named El Capitán. 2:30 p.m. $25. Toyota Stadium, 9200 World Cup Way, Frisco. 214-705-6700. www.fcdallas.com
Editor's note: This article has been updated to reflect changes to the hours of operation for The Rail District Outdoor Market.