Two road projects costing more than $3 million got underway in Flower Mound on March 10.

The details

Apex Construction began replacing concrete panels on Timber Creek Road between College Parkway and Kirkpatrick Lane. The work is being done to improve the road after pavement deterioration in the area.

The construction will see intermittent closures of Timber Creek but two-way traffic will be allowed at all times, Communications Director Melissa Demmitt said in an email. This marks the start of phase two of the project. Phase one was completed in summer 2024. The Flower Mound Town Council approved a contract for the work worth $759,501 during its meeting Feb. 3.

The crews began work near Lamar Middle School with the hope that they would finish in the area before the week of spring break to minimize traffic delays during pick up and drop off. The work is expected to take 90 days.

What else?

Wichita Trail between Scenic Drive and Bayshore Drive has also seen “extensive deteriorating pavement,” Demmitt said and is set for a full reconstruction. If the reconstruction doesn’t happen, the condition of the road could get worse over time, according to town documents. The work, being conducted by F&F Concrete Construction, began March 10. This marked the start of the first phase of reconstruction for Wichita Trail. The second phase of the project doesn’t have a start date yet but will include replacing concrete panels at either end of the street.

Crews will close the westbound lane, only allowing one-way traffic going eastbound. This project is set to cost about $2.4 million and should take about 60 days to complete. The council approved a contract for the work on Wichita Trail at a meeting Feb. 17.

Both projects are being paid for out of the general fund.