At a Dec. 9 meeting, the town’s planning and zoning commission voted to recommend the council approve several modifications to a planned development district that would allow the coffee shop. These modifications included a 15-foot landscape buffer along Long Prairie Road, a parking ratio of one space per 198 square feet and the allowance of two murals.
“We're eager to be a part of Flower Mound, and I'm hopeful that you all are eager for us to be a part of Flower Mound too,” Marty B’s Marty Bryan told commissioners Dec. 9.
One commissioner, Michelle Jackson, voted against approving the project citing a request to have two murals on the facade of the building.
The details
The proposed coffee shop will be about 4,193 square feet and include a drive-thru if approved by the Town Council. The shop would sit south of Lakeside Parkway between Long Prairie Road and Northwood Drive. Bryan requested several changes from the planning and zoning commission to get the new shop done.
First, Bryan wanted the town to allow a fast food restaurant on the lot, when it usually requires a specific use permit. He was also seeking a 15-foot landscape buffer to provide two accessible parking spots with a total of 23 spots.
Bryan also wanted modifications to the planned development district the lot sits in to allow for two wall murals on the north and south facades of the building. The murals would measure 20 feet wide by 15 feet deep.
What they're saying
Jackson took issue with the inclusion of the murals.
“The murals were my main thing,” Jackson said at the Dec. 9 meeting. “I don’t know how necessary they are. People know Marty B’s.”
Scott Langley also questioned having a drive-thru in a place like Lakeside Crossing, which is generally supposed to be walkable.
“What we normally think of when we think of Lakeside, we think of River Walk, and we think of walkability,” Langley said. “Now, we’re going to have what looks like a Chick-fil-A with a double barrel shotgun drive-thru going through there.”
Commissioner Jason Hobbs said the request did feel a “little off” considering the walkability of the area.
“I wonder if we should be thinking more about the walkability and the open space here than attracting traffic from [FM] 2499,” Hobbs said.
However, Commissioner Ryan Geddie, who said he lives in Lakeside Crossing, said he thought the location was a good spot for the proposed coffee shop because the project sits more on the outskirts of Lakeside Crossing instead of near the center of the development, which shouldn’t impact walkability.
“If it was on a different side of the development, it might be a different story,” Geddie said. “It kind of seems ideal to me. All that traffic going down [FM] 2499, they should buy coffee here at Marty B’s and not somewhere else.”
What's next?
The commission ultimately recommended approval of the project's modifications to the planned development district in an 8-1 vote. Next, the project will go to the Town Council for consideration.