Argyle Town Council will consider establishing a threshold for the size of accessory structures at a future meeting after the Argyle Planning and Zoning Commission approved a measure on the matter at its Sept. 4 meeting. Council will consider the matter on Sept. 16.

The context

Town staff would like to establish a threshold for future development. Currently, the only criteria within the development standards is that they need to be an accessory to the main structure, a commission memo states.

Staff has been interpreting that to mean that as long as the accessory structure is smaller than the main structure, it meets code. However, this provision is problematic, the memo states, as it could allow multiple homes in a single-family lot.

In a nutshell

Staff proposes to limit the size of accessory structures to only 50% of the main structure in all zoning districts.

Nabila Nur, director of community development for the town, said staff has seen “a lot of ambiguity” with accessory dwellings, which have to be incidental to the main structure and be smaller. However, she added that complications can arise as a builder could construct a large-size structure and call it an accessory. The commission will forward several recommendations to council, including a provision to make exceptions for the 50% requirement for buildings for agricultural uses.