Argyle Town Administrator Erika McComis will temporarily serve as the town’s municipal development district executive director after Jim Lang resigned Jan. 10, according to a news release.

The details

Lang became the executive director in August. He submitted his resignation to pursue other endeavors, according to the release.

In August, Argyle Mayor Rick Bradford said having a full-time director for the district had been a priority for council for many years. As defined on the Argyle town website, a municipal development district is a special purpose district that tries to generate economic development and growth opportunities within the district's boundaries.

McComis will serve as the executive director because of district bylaws, the release states.

“The MDD board and town staff are committed to a seamless transition during this period,” the release states.

The board and town staff will initiate a comprehensive search for the next executive director.

MDD board President Leona McDade said in the release that with the “support of council and the collaborative efforts of the district board and town staff, the district will continue to thrive and fulfill its mission.”

Also of note

In addition to Lang’s resignation, town officials announced municipal development district board officer position appointments, with McDade reappointed as board president and Chad Malchow reappointed as vice president for the remaining 2024 term.