The Jan. 23 approval comes after a recommendation from the Argyle Planning and Zoning Commission, which had made several stipulations for the applicant.
Those stipulations included the requirement that cypress trees be planted on the south side of the court, the lights must have a two-hour automatic timer and the lights must be at a maximum brightness of 16,500 lumens. These were approved by the council.
The need for cypress trees comes because the one property to be affected by the light is located on the south side, and the trees are meant to help that light exposure, according to city staff members. The trees must be 6 feet tall when planted.
Council member Ronald Schmidt voiced concern about the trees, saying the 6-foot requirement may not be tall enough to help with light spillage, he said.
The applicant previously sent letters to neighboring property owners regarding the project, which the council appreciated.
“The best thing that can ever happen is for us to say have you talked to your neighbors and for the applicant to say yes,” Mayor Bryan Livingston said.