Argyle Town Council approved an ordinance moving $750,000 from the town's general fund to the Capital Improvements Project Fund during its Oct. 17 meeting.
The funds are designated for renovations of Town Hall or the purchase of land to begin construction of the town’s law enforcement, according to the agenda item.
A study of the building found that improvements to the foundation, drainage, electrical, plumbing and roof are needed, along with additional offices and storage area, Town Manager Erica McComis said during the Oct. 3 Town Council meeting.
“We’ve been slapping Band-Aids on this [building] for so long,” Mayor Pro Tem Rick Bradford said. “It’s beyond that point.”
The town’s next step will be to bring in a third party to oversee the building renovations, which will go in front of the council at a future meeting, according to McComis.
Town Council also approved an amendment to the fiscal year 2022-23 budget that will appropriate up to $5,000 from the general fund for the purpose of buying new flags to be displayed during Veterans Day.
The flags will be displayed at various places on US 377 in Argyle. McComis estimated that the town would need to purchase around 100 flags.