Trustees reviewed the calendar proposal in December and no other feedback was received since that time, Assistant Superintendent Dawn Jordan said at the Jan. 21 board meeting.
The details
In the adopted calendar, school will begin on Aug. 12 and end May 21, 2026. Through a combination of district holidays and staff work days, students will have a five-day break in October, according to the calendar.
There is school on Election Day Nov. 4, and Dec. 19 and May 21, 2026 are early release days. The calendar also meets the state required 75,600 instructional minutes.
Important 2025-26 calendar dates include:
- District holidays: Sept. 1, Oct. 14-15 and Jan. 19, 2026
- Professional development day/teacher work days/student holiday: Sept. 15, Oct. 13, 16 and 17, Jan. 5, 2026, Feb. 9-10, 2026, March 16, 2026 and April 3, 2026
- Thanksgiving break: Nov. 24-28
- Winter break: Dec. 22-Jan. 5, 2026
- Bad weather day: March 6, 2026, April 6, 2026
- Spring break: March 9-13, 2026
AISD staff convened with campus administrators, parents, and community members to create two calendar options, Jordan said. The first option was similar to the adopted 2024-25 calendar and the second included a full week for fall break.
After receiving feedback from AISD stakeholders, option two was selected and district officials brought the proposal before the school board in December.
Along with the fall break change, Feb. 9, the day after the Super Bowl, will be a teacher work day and student holiday, according to district documents.