Argyle ISD officials announced the creation of a legislative advocacy website called Take Action Argyle for community members to ask for a special legislative session on public school funding. The Sept. 28 news release states Argyle ISD is at risk of further funding reductions, which can negatively impact the district's strategic growth plan and the quality of education for students.


Argyle ISD has received the House Bill 3 Formula Transition Grant since 2019, which provided funding for the district and an increase in basic allotment, which is the amount of minimum funds provided to the district per student. The basic allotment was last increased in 2019 and has remained at $6,160 despite inflation.

The district is expecting significant funding challenges of $3.5 million per year beginning in 2024 when the FTG expires. The 88th Texas Legislature, which began in January and ended in May, did not result in any public school funding reform or increase to the basic allotment. The news release states a special session is the only way for Argyle ISD and other districts in the state to find a long-term solution for their funding issues.

A closer look

Below are the three primary concerns listed on the Take Action Argyle webpage:
  • Argyle ISD is one of few districts in the state that has received the Formula Transition Grant since 2019 and faces a significant funding cliff beginning with the 2024-25 fiscal year when the FTG expires.

  • Argyle ISD is still subject to losing approximately $250,000 via the Robin Hood formula of “recapture.”

  • There has been no change to the basic allotment despite 40-year record inflation.

The webpage lists a petition for users to enter their information to send a prewritten letter to the Gov. Greg Abbott's office asking for a special session. In the Sept. 28 announcement, Superintendent Courtney Carpenter is quoted encouraging parents and members of the community to use their voice and take action to raise awareness about the district's situation. The release states the community will be updated on any potential changes regarding funding and legislative action.