Editor's note: This article has been updated to reflect the Federal Communications Commission's recent actions on net neutrality.
On Nov. 21 the U.S. Federal Communications Commission Chairman Ajit Pai announced plans to repeal net neutrality.
Proponents of deregulation say that it could lead to more investment and competition among internet services providers.
Those in favor of net neutrality say deregulation would favor big telecom companies, which could force internet companies to pay for faster connections.
Some might ask how deregulation could affect users and business in our communities. Experts say increased costs could mean individual users could be forced to pay for bundles or packages to access parts of the internet, similar to how cable packages operate.
This could also affect web commerce for local businesses, who could find themselves struggling to pay the price for their sites to be seen, and at a rate as fast as that of bigger companies who can pay for more visibility and speed.
The commission voted Dec. 14 to repeal net neutrality.
The repeal will go into effect in the coming months, but users might not see a difference in their internet usage at first. The decision is spurring several internet service providers, such as AT&T and Comcast, to promise not to block or slow sites.
Already several movements have been made to block the repeal, with a newly introduced Congressional bill from a Republican congresswoman and tentative lawsuit regarding fake net neutrality comments that used stolen identities.