The Frisco Planning and Zoning Commission approved a rezoning request of 113 acres on the northeast and southeast corners of Dallas Parkway and Rockhill Parkway. During the commission’s regular meeting Nov. 13, Texas Republic Realty, which owns the land, requested the commission approve a rezoning request that would divvy up the undeveloped land into three subdistricts. The first subdistrict is 20.9 acres located along Dallas north of Rockhill and was proposed as retail. This portion of the property could include uses such as convenience stores with gas pumps, restaurants and retail stores. The second subdistrict is 49.3 acres located east of the future Frisco Street, adjacent to the railroad tracks and was proposed as industrial. This portion of the property backs up to Park 25, which is zoned industrial. This zoning allows for office, office/showroom, office/warehouse/distribution center, and storage or wholesale warehouse. The third subdistrict is 42.8 acres and is located along Dallas south of Rockhill and crossing over future the Frisco Street. The applicant requested commercial zoning to accommodate office/showroom use. However, city staff proposed office zoning instead because they want to preserve the Dallas North Tollway corridor. According to staff the commercial zoning would allow for even more convenience stores with gas pumps, drive-thru restaurants and retail when the applicant already has the retail subdistrict. The commission agreed and approved 5-1 the rezoning request from agriculture into the three subdistricts for retail, industrial and office. Commissioner Steve Cone voted against the request because he said would have liked to see detailed plans for the property rather than just approving zoning. No specific plans for the property have been submitted to the city.