It is now a misdemeanor offense to travel on or through medians in the public right-of-way in Frisco.
The Frisco City Council at the March 18 meeting approved an ordinance amendment that prohibits "stopping, standing, walking, running and/or otherwise entering in and/or upon a median within public right-of-way."
Frisco Chief of Police John Bruce said he brought the issue to the council because of an incident several months ago when a man was arrested in a public median for violation of the city's sign ordinance.
Bruce said it was up to the council to decide if they "want people to be able to stand in the median without having a legitimate reason to do so."
The ordinance states its purpose is to help avoid traffic hazards and distractions as well as alleviate nuisances and potential dangers to pedestrians and drivers.
The punishment is a fine not to exceed $500. Bruce said in a case such as a jogger traveling in the median, his instructions to members of the police force would be to give a warning on the first offense, since the ordinance is new.
The ordinance allows use of the public median for emergency reasons, by emergency personnel, by government workers or for use such as trash clean up.
Already prohibited by city ordinance is panhandling as well as crossing a median when there is a designated crosswalk at an intersection within a reasonable distance.