
Our Support teams, encompassing Administrative, Sales, Development, Finance, Human Resources and IT, are the unsung heroes who work diligently behind the scenes to keep our Impacters organized and successful. They are the efficiency maestros, the innovators of new ideas, the trainers and mentors, and the gears that ensure everything runs like a well-oiled machine. Balancing both tactical and strategic aspects, our Support teams play a pivotal role and exemplify our mission to be a guiding light for our readers, customers, partners and one another.

Erika Rojas

Sales Support Specialist

Erika Rojas's story

My name is Erika Rojas and I am a Sales Support Specialist at Community Impact's Pflugerville, Texas office. I love to paint on my down time and spend time with my nieces and nephews. I love to also play in my backyard with my 3 pups playing catch is their favorite.

What is one of your strengths and how do you use it at CI?

My top strength is Discipline; people with strong discipline tend to be organized, efficient, and productive, and they prefer structure and routine. I find being discipline has helped me accomplish many task that I find not too fun but having a great routine keeps me from avoiding things I don't find fun and getting it done either way. My space has also been very organized with this strength which helps me keep a clear mind in my work space.

What is your favorite project you worked on while at CI?

I was hired in April 2024 and I don't have one yet, but I know it will be coming.

Choose one word to describe your teammates


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Statewide Impact

At CI, we take pride in our ability to nurture talent from within and forge meaningful career trajectories for our Impacters. Check out our openings across our Austin, Dallas, Houston, and San Antonio Metros. If you don’t see a position that fits your skill set, please upload your resume for future consideration.